“To thrive in today’s innovation-driven economy, workers need [...] competencies like collaboration, creativity and problem-solving...”
(World Economic Forum)
It is now well-recognised that skills like creativity are essential for organisations to compete, thrive and grow in the 21st century. Organizations neglecting the creative development of their employees could be missing out on key opportunities to leap ahead of their competitors, in an era of disruptive innovation and game-changing new business models. In other words, in an increasingly automated world, the ability to solve complex problems and think out of the box are going to be the key skills employees need to stay relevant in their jobs, and help their firms move ahead of the traditional “business as usual.” Specifically creative employees:
- turn accelerating challenges into opportunities
- dare to reshape assumptions
- ask questions before your customers do
- are inspired, invested team members
The Managing the Creative Mindset Course is an internationally-recognised creativity training course with a solid foundation in the neuroscience of creativity: in other words, the science of how the brain works when we conceive new ideas and solve complex problems. CINC researchers have spent the last decade investigating how the brain works when people are creative. This knowledge, combined with insights from psychology and behavioural science, informs the tools and techniques we use to enhance creative thinking. Once we understand the cognitive processes involved wíth creativity, we can increase our creative capacity.
Participants will learn how creative awareness and techniques can be applied to solve any kind of problem. To achieve this, participants are first introduced to the underlying mechanisms of what is commonly known as creativity. They will then learn how to utilize their existing knowledge and any domain expertise in a more creative way, building personal creative competencies as well as collaborative creative skills.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course participants will:
- be equipped with tools and techniques to foster creativity in practice
- be better at generating new ideas
- be faster at solving complex problems
- be more likely to develop the right solutions, in the right context
- be able to lead and facilitate basic creative idea and problem solving sessions
- be able reflect on how creativity is effectively applied in a business context
The courses are taught at CINC’s training facilities, and participants come from a wide variety of sectors and backgrounds, and are mixed in diverse groups. Open courses are also brilliant networking opportunities.
Price includes, two days training, lunch, snacks, and certification.
The format is based on the ‘studio teaching’ method: short lectures followed by multidisciplinary team work with close supervision. The full course takes 12 hours, where the first 3 hours is preparatory homework done as e-learning while the remaining 9 hours are taught in-class over a 2 day period (3+6 hours).
Preparatory work (3 hours):
Background materials to be reviewed before the course.
Day 1 (3 hours):
1: Creative Thought Management
2: Idea Generation in the brain
Day 2 (6 Hours):
3: Foundations of NeuroCreativity
4: Creative Constraints Management
5: Problem and Solution spaces
6: Solution Generation.
For more details about the course, contact us directly at booking@neurocreativity.dk.
Read our report on Creativity in Danish Businesses
(+45) 5010 1000
Vesterbrogade 26
c/o PlatoScience
1620 Copenhagen V